You asked . . .

About the name of your tournament...
No relation, whatsoever.

Where exactly is Knoxville?
Check out Google maps. Satellite imagery. Very cool. 

How can I get this tournament to come to my town / village / protectorate?
The whitecouch venue committee is currently evaluating sites for summer venues,
a Brooklyn venue is tentatively scheduled for Fall 2005.

Do you accept cash, credit cards, or personal cheques?
Whitecouch is offers secure payment through PayPal as our exclusive method of payment. This safeguards your privacy and also keeps Whitecouch from having to answer lots of questions when your little stunt invokes some as-of-yet unknown article of the Patriot Act.

What details do I need to give you when I enter?
We require only your first name and contact number. To arrange slide or video reviews or private studio visit, we do require a land-line number to confirm your appointment.

"Why do some artists blur/hide their faces?"
Many artists value their privacy. Due to corporate, academic, or other social commitments, they like to keep their exciting artistic endeavors a secret from their friends…

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